Ideas To Improve Fine Motor Skills
Some Fun Ideas to Improve Fine Motor Skills
Coloring in different positions is a great way to increase shoulder strength and wrist and hand position. We encourage using large crayons since they are easier for children to grasp. For example: tape a larger piece of paper to the wall and have kids color while standing, or use easels for coloring or painting
Make silly lines for your child to practice cutting on. Start with thicker lines as they are easier to cut, and then move to thinner lines as your child progresses. You can make fun zig-zag designs to provide a challenge.
Play Dough:
Have children roll the play dough out or pull it apart. This is great for building up strength in the finger and hand muscles. Use play dough scissors to cut the play dough for fun cutting practice.
Crayon Rubbing:
Have children use crayon rubbing to make pictures. You can purchase rubbing sheets to place paper over (with different animals, boats, etc) or use leaves. Children first place the rubbing item under the paper and then use a bare crayon on its side (without a wrapper) to rub across the paper. A picture will appear like MAGIC! This activity helps children build hand and finger muscles and reinforces presses hard enough when we write.
Zipping, Buttoning, and Snapping:
As winter approaches and the weather gets colder, have your child practice zipping, buttoning, or snapping his/her jacket. You can make it into a game by racing to complete the activity. We also practice these skills occasionally during centers.Supply List